The International Conference on
“Constitutional Democracy and the Rule of Law: Mediterranean Perspectives"
Advisory Board
1) Prof. Dr. Sultan Üzeltürk (Yeditepe University,Turkey and Eastern Mediterranean University) |
2) Prof. Dr. Bertil Emrah Oder, (Koç University, Turkey) |
3) Prof. Dr. Luca Mezzetti (University of Bologna, Italy) |
4) Prof. Dr. Gerardo Ruiz-Rico (University of Jaén, Spain) |
5) Prof. Dr. Ece Göztepe Çelebi (Bilkent University, Turkey) |
6) Prof. Dr. Selin Esen (Ankara University, Turkey) |
7) Prof. Dr. Ayşe Nuhoğlu (Medipol University, Turkey) |
8) Prof. Dr. Juan Montabes (University of Granada, Spain)