Conference Program.pdf
Program Framework
The Conference Organizing Committee happily announces that it has decided to accept online presentations at the sessions in order to encourage international paper applications. For this reason some sessions will be able to be Hybrid both online and face-to-face.
Online presentations are intended for non-residents of Northern Cyprus unable to travel due to necessity.. Please indicate that you want to make an online presentation while submitting your paper.
Konferans oturumlarından iki tanesi Türkçe dilinde gerçekleştirilecektir. Oturumlarda simultane çeviri hizmeti sunulacaktır.
1st of June 2022 First Day of the Conference
Starting Day 1st Session: “Topic"
09:30 Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Luca Mezzetti
Alma Mater Studiorum Universita di Bologna, School of Law, Bologna/Italy. (20 Minutes)

Chair of Session: Prof. Dr. Luca Mezzetti
09:50 am Paper presentation of the accepted 1. Researcher (15 Minutes)
10:05 am Paper presentation of the accepted 2. Researcher (15 Minutes)
10:15 am Paper presentation of the accepted 3. Researcher (15 Minutes)
10:35 am – 10:55 am Discussions
10:55 am Tea Break with Traditional Snacks by EKOR
(Location: Front of the Conference Hall)
2nd Session: “Topic"
11: 20 am Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Bertil Emrah Oder,
Koç University, Faculty of Law, İstanbul/Turkey (20 Minutes)

Chair of Session: Prof. Dr. Bertil Emrah Oder
11:40 am Paper presentation of the accepted 4. Researcher (15 Minutes)
11:55 am Paper presentation of the accepted 5. Researcher (15 Minutes)
12:10 pm Paper presentation of the accepted 6. Researcher (15 Minutes)
12:10 – 12:30 pm Discussions
12:30 pm Lunch EMU Taboldot Restaurant (Location: Next to the Faculty of Law)
13:30 Break for Coffee, presented by OZA in Coffee Station (Location: Front of the CL Building)

3rd Session: “Topic"
13: 45 pm Keynote Speakers: Prof. Dr. Gerardo Ruiz-Rico and Prof. Dr. Juan José Ruiz
The Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ) and University of Jaén, Department of Public Law, Jaén/ Spain (20 Minutes)

Chair of Session: Prof. Dr. Gerardo Ruiz-Rico
14:05 pm Paper presentation of the accepted 7. Researcher (15 Minutes)
14:20 pm Paper presentation of the accepted 8. Researcher (15 Minutes)
14:35 pm Paper presentation of the accepted 9. Researcher (15 Minutes)
14:50 – 15:05 pm Discussions
15:05 Tea Break with Traditional Snacks by EKOR (Location: Front of the Conference Hall)
1st Workshop: Political Systems
15:20 Chair and Moderator of Workshop: Prof. Dr. Juan Montabes,
Department of Political Science and Administration, University of Granada, Granada/Spain
Keynote speakers will meet to get acquainted and discuss new concepts, skills or new practices. This workshop will focus on practical skills and reflection of new concepts on political systems. People who are interested in the mentioned issues may participate to the workshop. Speakers of other sessions may also contribute to discussions of political systems of different countries.
17:00 Break for Coffee, presented by OZA in Coffee Station (Location: Front of the CL Building)
19:00 pm Dinner,
Aspava Restaurant, Location: Old Town, Famagusta Walled City.
2nd DAY OF THE CONFERENCE (2 June 2022)
1st Session: “State of Crisis: Emergency and Democracy"
09:30 am Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Selin Esen,
Ankara University, Faculty of Law, Ankara/Turkey (20 Minutes)

Chair of Session: Prof. Dr. Selin ESEN
09:50 am Paper presentation of the accepted 1. Researcher (15 Minutes)
10:05 am Paper presentation of the accepted 2. Researcher (15 Minutes)
10: 15 am Paper presentation of the accepted 3. Researcher (15 Minutes)
10:35 am – 10:55 am Discussions
10:55 am Tea Break with Traditional Snacks by EKOR (Location: Front of the Conference Hall)
2nd Session: “Constitutional Democracy and the Rule of Law: Area of Criminal Law"
11: 20 am Invited 5th Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ayşe Nuhoğlu,
Medipol University, Faculty of Law, İstanbul/ Turkey (20 Minutes)

Chair of Session: Prof. Dr. Ayşe Nuhoğlu
11:40 am Paper presentation of the accepted 4. Researcher (15 Minutes)
11:55 am Paper presentation of the accepted 5. Researcher (15 Minutes)
12:10 pm Paper presentation of the accepted 6. Researcher (15 Minutes)
12:10 – 12:30 pm Discussions
12:30 pm Lunch EMU Taboldot Restaurant (Location: Next to the Faculty of Law)
13:30 Break for Coffee, presented by OZA in Coffee Station (Location: Front of the CL Building)
3rd Session: “Topic"
13: 45 pm Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Sultan Üzeltürk,
Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Law, TRNC and Yeditepe University, Faculty of Law, İstanbul/Turkey (20 Minutes)

Chair of Session: Prof. Dr. Sultan Üzeltürk
14:05 pm Paper presentation of the accepted 7. Researcher (15 Minutes)
14:20 pm Paper presentation of the accepted 8. Researcher (15 Minutes)
14:35 pm Paper presentation of the accepted 9. Researcher (15 Minutes)
14:50 – 15:05 pm Discussions
15:05 Tea Break with Traditional Snacks by EKOR (Location: Front of the Conference Hall)
2nd Workshop of the Conference: Final Remarks
15:20 pm Chair and Moderator of Workshop:
Keynote speakers and participants will make a general assessment of the papers and the studies presented throughout the Conference.
17:00 Break for Coffee, presented by OZA in Coffee Station (Location: Front of the CL Building)
19:00 Gala Dinner, Place: Will be announce.
The conference schedule will be constantly updated. The program presented above is the final draft program.
Conference Date: 1st and 2nd of June 2022.
Conference Venue
Eastern Mediterranean University
Central Lectures Building
Mustafa Afşin Ersoy Hall, 2nd Floor
Famagusta, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus